Monday, April 23, 2012

Technical Difficulty

Okay, I hate to do this, but there won't be a new strip this morning. My weekend was way too chaotic to work on the comic, or much of anything else really. BUT! There is still going to be a new strip this week, by Tuesday night at the latest, so I'd say you should come back Wednesday morning to check out the new strip.
Remember, there will be a ghost in this week's strip.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just One More

That guy on the left was once a respectable citizen. Hank, however, has always been a fool.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Time To Learn

Why yes, yes the punchline of this strip is a giant fart sound.
One of the greatest responsibilities that come hand-in-hand with the privilege of drawing comics strips is the extremely important task of using fart noises as punchlines every once in a while.
Without rules like that, the world as we know it would simply cease to exist. And we can't have that.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Make it Cool

LMFAO is a stupid band and their music sucks.
That being said, if Jank Hank ever becomes even half as popular as them, I'll be a happy man.