Monday, July 16, 2012

Fight Music

Hank only has 2 levels in Bard. The rest of his experience points are dumped into Paladin, and the deity he serves is the Radical Goddess of Gnarly Stunts.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Chillin' with the ghost of Kurt Cobain

Here's that strip featuring a ghost that I promised oh so long ago! The hiatus is over, so expect a new Jank Hank strip every Monday from here on out. Also expect to see Kurt Cobain every once in a while.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Technical Difficulty

Okay, I hate to do this, but there won't be a new strip this morning. My weekend was way too chaotic to work on the comic, or much of anything else really. BUT! There is still going to be a new strip this week, by Tuesday night at the latest, so I'd say you should come back Wednesday morning to check out the new strip.
Remember, there will be a ghost in this week's strip.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just One More

That guy on the left was once a respectable citizen. Hank, however, has always been a fool.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Time To Learn

Why yes, yes the punchline of this strip is a giant fart sound.
One of the greatest responsibilities that come hand-in-hand with the privilege of drawing comics strips is the extremely important task of using fart noises as punchlines every once in a while.
Without rules like that, the world as we know it would simply cease to exist. And we can't have that.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Make it Cool

LMFAO is a stupid band and their music sucks.
That being said, if Jank Hank ever becomes even half as popular as them, I'll be a happy man.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spiders Just Freak Me Out

Spoiler alert: that officer is the region's premier spider expert, if you catch my drift.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Killing Time

Jank Hank's special attacks are extremely spammable.

Hella Crimes

He also solves hella mysteries, but nowhere near as often. That's usually Thigh Man's job. </obligatory bro link>

Thursday, March 15, 2012


To the younger audience: when you grow up, you'll have to make tough, real world decisions like this.

More Strips!

Bloodsucker Cloud

The weather is not very nice where Jank Hank is from.

The Fight King

The Fight King is the leader of a small nation. The Fight Kingdom, as you may have guessed.

Meet Hank

Here we have the first strip.
It's true though, warlocks are seldom nice to Jank Hank.

Webcomic Launch!

Hello everybody, and welcome to my first attempt at hosting the Jank Hank webcomic!
Fans of Jank Hank and friends of artist Griffon Lyles will recognize good ol' Hank. If you're just joining us or stumbled across this blog site by chance, get ready for some serious hijinks starring a spazzy skateboard with a face and a knack for adventure.
